Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Book Rec: Heist Society

Heist Society is a fiction series by Ally Carter about teen... thieves. But big time thieves - like the ones who switch out the Mona Lisa for a fake that nobody ever notices.

Like the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter, the story centers around a teenage protagonist, Kat, and her friends. Unlike it, the format is more conventional. While each of the Gallagher Girl books is a "report" on the adventures that follow, Kat is simply the point of view in Heist Society. Without  pro and con lists and other characters butting in to say things, Heist Society lacks the whimsical charm of the Gallagher Girls.

While it annoyed me that the Gallagher Girls could sneak out of the school so easily, I was actually completely distracted by the ease with which Kat and her friends travelled the world. I think the series would have been more fun if these thieves-in-training were less slick and more time had been spent building a "world" that they inhabit.

Oh dear, this is starting to sound like a bad review. I really did enjoy them. I finished each book in an evening and I will read what comes out next. I just think that Carter was trying to differentiate the series, but instead should have stuck with her winning recipe.

Rating: This series is Vitamin Water. It quenches your thirst for a new, good read and even has a hint of delicious flavor. But, you find yourself craving a more concentrated taste.

Heist Society Series Book Order
1. Heist Society
2. Uncommon Criminals
3. Perfect Scoundrels (2013)

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