Saturday, October 01, 2005

Book Review-Hawksong

By Amelia Atwater Rhode
Reviewed by L.S.
The book is about how two young leaders of two totally different people have to come together under the banner of peace to stop the killing that has raged for centuries. The subplot closely intertwines and is how the two leaders Zack and Danica have to learn to get along with each other if they ever hope for their two newly joined countries to get along. For if their rulers can't get along how can the people?
The book revolves around fantasy, hope, and self submission. It deals with doing what is best for everyone even when you may be ridiculed for it. The title of the book is the name of a lullaby Danica's country sings; it is about peace and no understanding of war. The title also is a way of showing how the main characters struggle to make that song a reality.
The character whose view the story is from has impenetrable will and hope for her country. She agrees to rule with Zack even when her mother thinks that goes beyond the requirement to do what is best for the people of her country.
I think this book is extremely well written and is unlike anything else I have read; it would be a great book for discussions.

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